Spelling Manual Lesson Example
- Instructions are provided on foundational spelling skills.
- Lessons are scripted to guide you through each sound/concept.
- Coded teacher model words are provided to ensure you are correctly modeling the target sound.
- Spelling pattern charts are provided as a reference resource.
- Progress monitoring and over 3,000 spiraled practice words are included for significant skill reinforcement.
The Spelling Lab lessons work well for one-on-one or group instruction, and you do not need to be trained in the content to teach it.
Lesson Target and Spelling Pattern Chart- Each lesson includes the target skill, keywords or a concept, a concise explanation, and a spelling pattern reference chart entry.​​

Common Exceptions-
If the target has a common exception to the
most predictable pattern, it will be included
on that lesson.

Scripted Instruction- Exact steps for isolating sounds, considering spelling patterns and situations, and quick coding to double check spelling are included.​​

Teacher Model and Student Practice Words-
Coded model examples for the teacher and student application practice words are provided for each target skill.

Additional Student Practice Words-
The lessons include over 3,000 spiraled practice words to reinforce mastery of skills.